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Pet Surgery

Due to advances in pet anesthesia, diagnostic tools, and other veterinary advances, pet surgery is far safer than it was decades ago. Still, you need to do your part to make sure your pet’s surgery is successful. Here are tips about how to care for your pet before and after surgery from All Creatures Great and Small Animal Hospital and Urgent Care in Denville, NJ.

Pet Surgery

Ask About Stopping Medication

If your pet is on daily medication, ask your veterinarian if and when the medication should be stopped, and when it can be started again after surgery. If your pet is diabetic and on insulin, ask if the vet will give an insulin shot before the surgery.

Pre-Surgical Testing

Pets need to undergo tests to make sure they are healthy enough for surgery if they will have any special needs during surgery, and what anesthesia will work best. These tests may include blood and urine tests, ultrasounds, X-rays, and a physical exam.

Fast Your Pet

Your pet will need to have an empty stomach before surgery. Keep your pet indoors to make sure he or she does not sneak some food. Keep your pet in a different room from your other pets to make the fast easier for your pet and you. Your veterinarian will let you know when you need to take water away, as well.

Prepare a Recovery Room

Your pet will need a quiet, warm place to recover. Have a soft, clean bed ready for your pet. Keep the room dark to encourage your pet to rest. Children and other pets should stay away from your pet when he or she is still shaky.

Get a Cone or Soft Collar

Your pet may want to lick or bite the stitches. To keep your pet from prematurely removing the stitches, put on an Elizabethan collar or cone. Most pet stores sell these, but your vet clinic may do so, as well.

Limit Your Pet’s Activities

Depending on what your pet’s surgery was, your pet needs time to recover and not pull the stitches. Pets may want to start getting active before they are fully healed. Do not play with your cat or dog. When your dog goes outside, place it on a leash and go with it. If your dog is not leashed, it may see something exciting like a squirrel and chase it, which could damage the incision and slow the healing process.

Watch for Signs of Infection

Inspect your pet’s surgical site every day. You may need to clean the area. Watch for signs of infection, like swelling, redness, heat, or discharge.

Pet Surgery in Denville, Fairfield, and Bergen County, NJ

If you have further questions about your pet’s upcoming surgery and live in the Denville, Fairfield, or Bergen County, NJ area, contact All Creatures Great and Small Animal Hospital and Urgent Care at (973) 625-3641 to make an appointment today.


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